Thursday, December 29, 2011

Stuffed Mushrooms

I love the Olive Garden's Stuffed mushrooms, so this year I'm going to try out this recipe to take to the party at my in-laws. I've made other recipes before, but this is my first year trying this particular one!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cooking With Kids!

So, I've got three kids (6,5, and 2) that love to be in the kitchen with me 'helping' all the time. One of the things I always say I'm going to do is start cooking with them more regularly. This year I'm going to aim to do at least one cooking project each week with them. My plan would be to search out the ideas, post them here, then come back and update with how it went and possibly some super cute pictures! Or it may just end up being me taking pictures of whatever we come up with, we shall see!

Week of January 1st-
Calzones! I've got some frozen bread dough in the freezer to use up, so I think this should make for a fairly easy, fun after school project to work on together.

Week of January 8th-
Oreo Pops! These look fairly easy and fun for an after school snack or dessert after dinner.

First Post!

Woohoo! My first post! :)
This blog is really just to try and keep myself accountable for some goals I plan to set for myself and my family in the coming year. I always start out the year with grand plans and good intentions, but lose my motivation fairly quick! I have some different areas of life I am setting goals for including housekeeping type stuff, parenting, craft projects, health and fitness, etc. It's mainly just for me, but if anyone else ends up stopping by maybe that will give me even a little more motivation! And it will give me a place to talk about what ever other random stuff I want :)